This is the time for black man and women to make their distinct contribution to this civilization and let history record it truthfully. We are made to believe that there is no use in trying and nothing can be done through the teachings we receive. You can only impress this world by demonstrating to it the seriousness of your intention.
The western civilization is the process of molding the world in her image. If you surrender your personality you have nothing left to give the world. Giving up your personality would be to give up the peculiar work and peculiar glory to which we are called. The European blunder is believing that the Negro is a European in the under-developed stages.
The continued distortion of African History (World History)
Issues at hand
Physiological factor;
Africa with a hidden history is demoralizing for Africans. History is a clock, map, and compass of human geography which helps us understand not the direction and digits of the hour, but what is behind the direction and digits of the hour. On the African continent, the west has excelled in demonizing African history, first in the minds of the westerners, then in the minds of our brothers and sisters. It is a sad fact that the professionalizing of this study is one of the windows through which the disastrous scheme is exercised. A lot of Africans go to school with the hope of finding knowledge of their past. However, it is an alien race which tells the story of the native, and the native’s life becomes a story told. Below is the holistic examination of mental slavery.
The professionals who have straddled through the walls and windows of the schism are looked overlooked with this knowledge passing it to an audience which does not deserve it. This kind of African history elite class has turned this revolutionary message into a one man’s show. The natural resources of the continent now have Christian names, after British Royals. Our traditional names become secondary names when we adopt a foreign religion, for example, Lake Kahembe, (Lake George), Lake Kakirakira (Lake Edward), Lake Mutanzige (Lake Albert), Lake Nalubale (Lake Victoria), etc. Without undermining the moral derives behind religion, it is very important in our course to understand the psychological dangers that foreign religions pose. First we have seen how they undermine our traditional names.
It is stated that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, however, which God should be feared to be wise, in Africa today if one stated that he did not believe in the holy books, the rebound questions is always, “So do you believe in God?”, “don’t you want to be wise?” the west having worked so hard to create such a shallow mindset.
Today many people in Africa are misled to think that before the holy books, every African was going to hell. This kind of mindset created the environment where history was replaced with religious education in primary schools and a little focus put on African civilization in secondary education and higher institutions, as more focus is placed on the European and Arab involvement in enslavement of the Africans. This creates the mindset, the Africans were uncivilized and waiting on the slave masters to come and enslave them, that the African will always have to wait for the white man to do something about her (Africa’s) situation, not knowing that if the hand that put her in that situation and being the hand that eternally feeds her, can never be the same hand that will get her out of the same situation. The slave masters have never gone to rest; they have never lost the urge to control the land of black people. This is what every African must realize if any Africa is to think of a better Africa for our children.
What does religious education do in distorting world history?
It destroys the divine spark and innovation skill in the Africans. Giving them false hope and redemption of a white savior, which they will have to wait upon as they keep crying about their woes. The evolution story of Adam and Eve so to say creates a shallow mindset and underpins the spark in African history. This has made the Africans believe that the world starts with Adam and Eve, and not venture much into their own history. Giving birth to beliefs that before the bible, every African was going to hell and a devil worshiper, the books also go ahead in demonizing the gods of Kemet (Land of Black people).
Recently in Uganda, there was a debate seeking to remove religious education from the curriculum. However, the debate failed to pass simply because most of the Members of Parliament were either member of the religions in discussion (i.e. Christianity or Islam). It is good to remember that it was the colonialists who replaced history with religious education. Therefore in Uganda, religious education continues to take up the role of history in simple facts, blocking the divine will. Some traditional leaders find them selves born in Christian families and pursuing a foreign interest. It is our belief that majority of the people in Africa are not religious in the sense of foreign religions. The westerners call them pagans because they don’t understand how their faith is beyond the books. These people who we call the cornerstone because they have refused these foreign philosophies without even knowing what they are resisting, it is just imprinted in them that their ancestors were wise humans who civilized the world with the unifying philosophy of Ubuntu. That is why they try to seek for the history before the holy books. It is in the schools, cities, temples, mosques, churches and parliaments where distorted history is promoted on the continent. The majority remain loyal to their customs and historical beliefs. The only thing missing is a well organized movement with the cause of our ancestors, African Unity. It is with great joy to see his Excellency Cornell Muamar El Ghadafi, standing, not among religious leaders and presidents, but with a following of a King, thank you for being loyal to the cause. Government and non-government organizations have failed Africa. Instead of helping, they are the vehicle that has taken the role of change from the people. Investors have turned Africa into a continent of shopkeepers.
The other window that has let all this happen is the promotion of baby history. This plague affects the minds of the Africans as it only carries the days of slavery, the days of oppression, the days of colonialism, the days of massacres, the times of neo-colonialism. We agree that it is a part of our history we have to present. However, it is also important to explore the history of greatness. In the interest of the system, baby history is what has helped the foreigners for they stand brave in violence. This history is what they use to alter the dark ages of the winter people and refer them to the dark ages of the people of the sun, thus creating the thinking that Africans were born slaves. In the media, there are portraits of the picture that Africa can not stand on her own, that our doctors are useless without western drugs and the African diplomats are the passengers and the western diplomats are drivers of the UN bus. In the same arena the solution picture portrayed is that, Africa has to simulate the west to survive! In other words, the survival of Africa relies on teachings from the west. So to study their game and beat them at their game, this kind of thinking has affected the African elite, that he admires the westerners more than they admire themselves, he has turned himself to be the messenger of the western interests. He has simulated how to live without a history, and individualism is the order of the day in his way of life.
However, the majority who we call the cornerstone are great thinkers who thirst for a well documented history of their glorious past. They have live climbing a mountain before seeing one climb it. If the history shows them people who have reached the top, they will run to the top, for they know and share the views of our ancestors. They are resisting and their eyes show it all, that they are pleading for literary evidence to be the apostles of truism. We have been victims of this mythical poor quality slave education without a justified history in all the fields of its study. The cornerstone people are sick and tired of the alien ideas and want to be the vehicle heading to an African philosophy of one Africa.
Many youths in Africa fail to find the pride in labor. After their education they turn to being job seekers. Many who also fail to go to school find themselves not satisfied with the wages of labor in their mother countries. They, then turn to seeking for a place where they can find some pride in their labor. This leaves them seeking for ways of leaving Africa and go work in European countries, creating a new brand of slaves. Youths going through this kind of stress end up finding history boring simply because they are raised being taught the history of betrayal by the Kings and they later have distrust in their traditional leaders. They end up not trusting their elders since they led them to the situation they are in and also not trusting the westerners. With this kind of atmosphere, true stories are turned into folklores and jokes, while leaving the youth with no relevant topics of history to include in their discourse.
A new wave of neo-colonialism with its foundation in fear, creating an atmosphere, where difference in opinion which is making the Africans delay their own unity.
This is on the rampage with many televisions and radio stations on the continent. However, we must concur that these are big fields of mental slavery, if the people involved are not conscious of their own history. Through these fields, propaganda is spread, and with Africa, the enemies of progress have trained our own people to lead in the mission of brain washing of our own. This makes it important to understand that it is only through spreading the message of our past that our brethrens and sistrens will able to scrutinize news and only pick what they find morally right. Slack music and Hollywood have taken have taken the minds of the youths and the intermediates. Disappointments from the Pan African Headquarters in Uganda in that they lack any historical drive and their concerns are blind ones. Therefore, it is more of a political than a Pan-African organization and can play no significant role in our quest and purpose thus. Our stretching forth our hands to you, having endured the entire course of education from elementary to University in Africa, and have still failed to graduate after four years from an American University because of disagreements with the sacrifices of self knowledge that we are required to of to excel in the system. The call for education by politicians lacks the quality education relevant to the goals and aspirations of Africa. Realization that this education is and has always been the tool for spiritual and psychological enslavement of the people is important, yet it continues to be the slogan of the elites who have continued to solely benefit. This consequently drives the whole question away from having a better quality education that justifies truth and not myths.
We believe, (The Bayikuuzi), that a history library can be the source and center for correcting all these mistakes in the social and professional discourses. It is through the library that justified history shall manifest. There shall be no wrong time for feeding the hungry. Our course is to evoke African history in the minds of the youth, elders, and children of this century. For without a proper understanding of our past glory and misery we remain slaves though this time without chains, if we do not know our history, we remain the victims today. The truth is a human and God given right. History is the food for the brain as manure is the food for the soil. African history is the hidden factor that will create solidarity among the human race.
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